(B) Immunofluorescence using pS365 and a monoclonal antibody for total Cx43 shows that pS365 resides predominantly in the plasma membrane (WT Cx43) and that the pS365 epitope is eliminated by conversion from serine to alanine or aspartate (S365A, S365D) (bar = 25 m)

(B) Immunofluorescence using pS365 and a monoclonal antibody for total Cx43 shows that pS365 resides predominantly in the plasma membrane (WT Cx43) and that the pS365 epitope is eliminated by conve... Read More


Huang. Manuscript writing and authorization: R. with IC 55%, LDAC 15%, BSC 0%.[15]Azacitidine24127.80.5410.40.10Age 65, 30% blasts.BSC, LDAC, IC24725.16.5CR rates with IC 48%, LDAC 26%, BSC 0%. Ope... Read More